Lots of folks are talking about how Occupy's causing a long-term shift towards reducing income inequality in American politics. I'm a bit skeptical about that. I expect mostly more violent agitation from the more radical Occupy mobs. Mentioned at the Times, for example, are plans for "national and regional coordinated actions" like "a Dec. 12 shutdown of West Coast ports."
I saw something on this the other day, and Occupy Oakland has this, "Support Grows For Occupy Movement’s Coordinated West Coast Shut Down On December 12th."

“We’re shutting down these ports because of the union busting and attacks on the working class by the 1%: the firing of Port truckers organizing at SSA terminals in LA; the attempt to rupture ILWU union jurisdiction in Longview, WA by EGT. EGT includes Bunge LTD, a company which reported 2.5 billion dollars in profit last year and has economically devastated poor people in Argentina and Brazil. SSA is responsible for inhumane working conditions and gross exploitation of port truckers and is owned by Goldman Sachs. EGT and Goldman Sachs is Wallstreet on the Waterfront” stated Barucha Peller of the West Coast Port Blockade Assembly of Occupy Oakland.Sounds pretty militant, and no doubt some of these folks are dead serious, given the scale of unrest during the recent Oakland port shutdown. Anyway, more on this from Lee Stranahan, at Big Government, "Occupy Leader Says Union ‘Opposition’ to Planned 12/12 West Coast Port Shutdown Is ‘Just a Game’."
“We are also striking back against the nationally’ coordinated attack on the Occupy movement. In response to the police violence and camp evictions against the Occupy movement- This is our coordinated response against the 1%. On December 12th we will show are collective power through pinpointed economic blockade of the 1%.”
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