4. The eurozone is for pretty much everyone in Europe. By now, it should be obvious that a 17-nation eurozone was a bad idea. The only questions left are how many countries do not belong and how painful will it be to push out those that shouldn't be there. Whether or not you think the current patchwork bailouts will work (probably not, see No. 5 below), just what, precisely, are those bailouts fighting to defend? No one knows anymore. The peripheral countries, like Greece and Portugal, used to think that if they suffered through a bit of deflation from eurozone membership, they still could benefit from the lower borrowing rates enjoyed by stronger economies like Germany. Now they're getting the deflationary pressures, stronger than ever before, but without the low borrowing rates. So what's in it for them to remain? What's in it for Germany and Finland and the Netherlands? It's hard to see.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
6 Ideas for the Ash Heap of History
From Tyler Cowen, at the new special issue of Foreign Policy, "100 Top Global Thinkers 2011":
Police Clear Occupy Los Angeles
At San Francisco Chronicle, "Nearly 300 arrested in raid on Occupy Los Angeles," and KCAL 9 Los Angeles, "292 Protesters Arrested, ‘Occupy LA’ Ends Peacefully."
Maybe not so peaceful, actually. See Los Angeles Times, "LAPD too violent, some Occupy L.A. protesters allege."
Maybe not so peaceful, actually. See Los Angeles Times, "LAPD too violent, some Occupy L.A. protesters allege."
Also, "Occupy LA: LAPD clears nation’s largest remaining Occupy camp."
Keystone State Remains Vital to Obama
I think he'll lose it.
At Washington Post, "Pennsylvania becomes major battleground for Obama in 2012":
At Washington Post, "Pennsylvania becomes major battleground for Obama in 2012":
Every Democratic nominee in the past two decades has won Pennsylvania — and Obama did so by a comfortable margin in 2008 — but the state has grown less hospitable to Obama in the past three years. Republicans swept the 2010 midterms, winning the governor’s seat, a Senate seat and five congressional districts, including the 11th District, where Obama will appear on Wednesday.Unemployment was 8.1 percent in October, and higher in some parts of the state, like Scranton, with a 9.7 percent jobless rate. The state's gonna need a jobs miracle for Obama to have a prayer. See New York Times, "Obama Is Facing a Replay of ’08 Hurdles in ‘Hillary Country,’ Pa."
Yet unlike other similarly challenging states — Ohio and Florida — where Democrats think they can lose and still win overall, Pennsylvania’s 20 electoral college votes are still key to almost any path to 270 electoral college votes. “It’s hard to figure out a scenario for a Democrat to win the presidency without carrying Pennsylvania,” former Democratic governor Ed Rendell, a prominent Obama supporter, said. “It’s not impossible, but it’s very, very hard.”
Proof That a Shipment Is In Good Condition
American Airlines Bankruptcy
At Chicago Tribune, "American Airlines files for bankruptcy":And at Washington Post, "American Airlines travelers: Some see great service, some see cattle cars."
I almost always fly American. I haven't had a problem.
I almost always fly American. I haven't had a problem.
Kids at Occupy L.A. Sparked Eviction Order
At LAT, "Villaraigosa: Children living at Occupy L.A. sparked eviction order":
Amazing that someone thought it inappropriate for kids to be at the camp. I mean, teachers felt perfectly fine having students tour the site with marijuana wafting through the air. No big deal, right? It's all live and let live for the progs, you know.
Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa said he decided it was time to evict Occupy L.A. protesters from the City Hall lawn after learning that there were children staying there.More at the link.
Given the smattering of assaults and other incidents reported at the camp, “the chaos out there could produce something awful,” he said in an interview with The Times.
The mayor, a former union organizer and president of the Los Angeles chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union, said he and LAPD Chief Charlie Beck jointly made the decision to allow overnight camping on the lawn in hopes of charting a “different path” with protesters. That was, he said, in part because he respects many of their views.
Amazing that someone thought it inappropriate for kids to be at the camp. I mean, teachers felt perfectly fine having students tour the site with marijuana wafting through the air. No big deal, right? It's all live and let live for the progs, you know.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Iranian Students Storm British Embassy in Tehran
The Lede followed the story all day, with lots of video, "Storming of British Embassy in Tehran Broadcast Live on State Television." Also at New York Times, "Protesters Storm British Embassy in Tehran."
And Telegraph UK reports on the obvious and troubling comparison to the United States, "Iran: British embassy attack brings to mind US siege":
Also, "British relations with Iran sink to lowest in decades as Tehran embassies are stormed."
And Telegraph UK reports on the obvious and troubling comparison to the United States, "Iran: British embassy attack brings to mind US siege":
Iranians stormed two British Embassy compounds in Tehran, bringing to mind the seizure of the US Embassy in Tehran by Iranian students on Nov 4 1979.More at the link.
Here are details of that siege.
* Students helped spearhead the overthrow of the US-backed Shah, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, in the 1979 Islamic revolution. The Shah, who was already gravely ill, sought refuge overseas.
* Exiled cleric Ayatollah Khomeini returned to Iran in triumph to seal victory for a revolution whose mantra was "Death to America".
* Student activists in co-ordination with radical clerics stormed the U.S. embassy, taking 90 hostages. Fifty-two were held captive for 444 days with the students demanding the extradition of the deposed Shah from the United States.
* The siege prompted then U.S. President Jimmy Carter to freeze Iranian assets and sever all diplomatic ties with Tehran.
* On April 25, 1980, a US commando mission to rescue the hostages was abandoned in the desert with the loss of eight American lives when a helicopter collided with a tanker aircraft, politically damaging President Carter.
Also, "British relations with Iran sink to lowest in decades as Tehran embassies are stormed."
Anadarko Petroleum Corp Mozambique Offshore Natural Gas
Anadarko Petroleum Corporation sharply raised its estimate for the amount of natural gas contained in a big field it has found off the coast of Mozambique. This could be one of the most important natural-gas fields discovered in the last 10 years. Anadarko said it had increased the estimate of recoverable resources from the four discoveries made in its Offshore Area 1 block to between 15 trillion and 30 trillion cubic feet of gas. Initially, the Texas-based company had said the field contained six trillion cubic feet, a figure it raised to 10 trillion cubic feet in October. Thirty trillion cubic feet would be enough to meet an entire year's gas consumption by the U.S.
Anadarko, whose partners in the block include Dublin-based Cove Energy PLC and Japan's Mitsui & Co., is the field's operator, with a 36.5% interest.
The announcement came just a month after Eni SpA, the Italian energy giant, announced it had found 22.5 trillion cubic feet of gas off Mozambique's coast—the biggest such exploration discovery in the company's history. Such large resources appear big enough to sustain the construction of a large liquefied-natural-gas, or LNG, plant in Mozambique, catapulting the impoverished former Portuguese colony into the world's major league of gas exporters.
Meanwhile the gas-rich waters offshore Tanzania have recently attracted a number of big players, including Exxon Mobil Corp., Statoil ASA of Norway and BG Group PLC, which is also exploring off Kenya. (WSJ, 11/29/2011)
Anadarko, whose partners in the block include Dublin-based Cove Energy PLC and Japan's Mitsui & Co., is the field's operator, with a 36.5% interest.
The announcement came just a month after Eni SpA, the Italian energy giant, announced it had found 22.5 trillion cubic feet of gas off Mozambique's coast—the biggest such exploration discovery in the company's history. Such large resources appear big enough to sustain the construction of a large liquefied-natural-gas, or LNG, plant in Mozambique, catapulting the impoverished former Portuguese colony into the world's major league of gas exporters.
Meanwhile the gas-rich waters offshore Tanzania have recently attracted a number of big players, including Exxon Mobil Corp., Statoil ASA of Norway and BG Group PLC, which is also exploring off Kenya. (WSJ, 11/29/2011)
Marsha Coleman-Adebayo on Tavis Smiley Show
Dr. Marsha Coleman-Adebayo appears on the Tavis Smiley Show tonight to discuss her new book, "No Fear: A Whistleblower's Triumph Over Corruption and Retaliation at the EPA."
Marsha Coleman-Adebayo, left, was a senior policy analyst for the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Beginning in 1996, she filed complaints alleging that a company from the United States was mining vanadium in South Africa and harming the environment and human health. The EPA did not respond, and Coleman-Adebayo reported her concerns to other organizations. Coleman-Adebayo filed a suit against the agency, alleging racial and gender discrimination. On August 18, 2000, a federal jury found EPA guilty of violating the civil rights of Coleman-Adebayo on the basis of race, sex, color and a hostile work environment, under the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Coleman-Adebayo is a founder and leader of the No FEAR Coalition. Through her leadership, the No FEAR Coalition, working closely with Representative James Sensenbrenner, organized a successful grass-roots campaign and secured passage of the “Notification of Federal Employees Anti-discrimination and Retaliation Act,” the first Civil Rights Law of the 21st Century. The Act was signed into law by President George W. Bush in 2002. (Wiki)
Author Tavis Smiley hosts the late-night news program, conducting interviews with newsmakers, politicians and celebrities. His goal to ``introduce Americans to each other'' offers stimulating conversations with diverse trendsetters and opinion-makers from the worlds of arts, entertainment, politics and media.
Political commentator Tavis Smiley offers in-depth analysis of topical issues and interviews with newsmakers of the day. (Wash Post)
Marsha Coleman-Adebayo, left, was a senior policy analyst for the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Beginning in 1996, she filed complaints alleging that a company from the United States was mining vanadium in South Africa and harming the environment and human health. The EPA did not respond, and Coleman-Adebayo reported her concerns to other organizations. Coleman-Adebayo filed a suit against the agency, alleging racial and gender discrimination. On August 18, 2000, a federal jury found EPA guilty of violating the civil rights of Coleman-Adebayo on the basis of race, sex, color and a hostile work environment, under the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Coleman-Adebayo is a founder and leader of the No FEAR Coalition. Through her leadership, the No FEAR Coalition, working closely with Representative James Sensenbrenner, organized a successful grass-roots campaign and secured passage of the “Notification of Federal Employees Anti-discrimination and Retaliation Act,” the first Civil Rights Law of the 21st Century. The Act was signed into law by President George W. Bush in 2002. (Wiki)
Author Tavis Smiley hosts the late-night news program, conducting interviews with newsmakers, politicians and celebrities. His goal to ``introduce Americans to each other'' offers stimulating conversations with diverse trendsetters and opinion-makers from the worlds of arts, entertainment, politics and media.
Political commentator Tavis Smiley offers in-depth analysis of topical issues and interviews with newsmakers of the day. (Wash Post)
Booming Cyber Monday!
At USA Today, "Buyers click away as Cyber Monday sales jump 18%."
The shopping season's biggest online holiday was more popular than ever yesterday as consumers rushed to the Web for exclusive Cyber Monday deals.RELATED: At New York Times, "A Shopping Day Invented for the Web Comes of Age."
Online traffic was up 43% from last year, says content delivery network Akamai, and online sales were up 18% over Cyber Monday 2010 as of 9 p.m. ET, says IBM Smarter Commerce, a Web performance analytics firm for 500 of the largest retail websites.
Matt Shay, CEO of the National Retail Federation, says sales on Cyber Monday and over the long weekend show retail is "providing a needed shot in the arm to our nascent recovery."
Chief Charlie Beck: Time On LAPD's Side at Occupy L.A.
At Los Angeles Times, "In clearing Occupy site, time is on LAPD's side, chief says":
After a flurry of eviction threats, street protests and court maneuvering, Occupy L.A. remained standing on the City Hall lawn Monday evening — prompting debate about the caution displayed by city leaders seeking to avoid violent clashes seen in other cities.
Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck said Monday he remains committed to the restrained approach, noting that the encampment has shrunk by about 150 tents in recent days and that police have so far managed to avoid aggressive confrontations with protesters.
Officers will clear the camp when they can "do it effectively and efficiently and with minimal force," he said. Time is on the department's side, Beck added.
COP 17: Durban
The 17th Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change opened yesterday in Durban, South Africa. (If I hadn't already known it, I would have learned it from the literally dozens of announcements I received by e-mail yesterday and today of "side-events" hosted by the hoards of NGOs that follow the globally roving cocktail party that is the UN COP).
In contrast to past meetings, many of which opened with high hopes and much fanfare, the tone this year (as it was last year) is subdued, if not outright pessimistic. At the top of the agenda is answering the question of what happens when the Kyoto Protocol's compliance period expires on December 31, 2012? That issue was supposed to be put to rest two years ago at COP 15 in Copenhagen, but China (among other countries) scuppered those efforts (see here). Since then, progress towards a successor treaty to the Kyoto Protocol has been halting, and there is virtually no hope that a successor treaty will be adopted at this year's conference.
The European Union, which has taken its mitigation requirements more seriously than perhaps any other country (or collection of countries) in the developed world, has given up hope of a brand new treaty. Instead, it is calling for new commitments and a new compliance period under the old Kyoto treaty. But the US delegation, sounding more like Bush in 2001 than Obama in 2009, is already pouring cold water on that idea. The head of the US delegation, Jonathan Pershing, announced yesterday that the US will not support any successor treaty or Kyoto extension that does not include mandatory emissions reductions on high-emitting developing countries, including China and India (see, e.g., here). Everyone knows that the US Senate will not ratify the Kyoto Protocol or any other mitigation treaty if that condition is not met. Yet, the Obama Administration is probably naive to imagine that there are 60 votes in the Senate for any climate treaty he might sign. In any case, it is difficult to imagine that US negotiators could possibly cajole China and India into accepted binding mitigation targets to reduce nominal emissions for two reasons: (1) they are both developing countries with per capita income levels well below those of even the poorest developed countries; and (2) they have contributed much less than the US or EU to the existing stock of GHGs in the atmosphere. And by the way, China has at least credibly committed to reducing the carbon intensity of production in a way that requires deviation from business-as-usual emissions, which is more than can be said for the US. So, unless the US delegation stops its impotent posturing and adopts a more realistic negotiating position over the next two weeks, the failure of the Durban talks is assured from the start.
How likely is the US to do that? Not very. While the rest of the world may be focused on the expiration of the Kyoto Protocol compliance period at the end of December 2012, President Obama is focused on the first Tuesday in November 2012, when his own political future will be decided. In a country where politicians and the electorate are still debating well-settled questions of basic climate science, and China is widely perceived as a potent economic competitor, the US delegation's negotiating position has become a hostage to domestic political agendas. If China scuppered the Copenhagen negotiations for reasons that remain murky, the US can be expected to scupper the Durban negotiations for reasons easily explained by public choice theory.
In contrast to past meetings, many of which opened with high hopes and much fanfare, the tone this year (as it was last year) is subdued, if not outright pessimistic. At the top of the agenda is answering the question of what happens when the Kyoto Protocol's compliance period expires on December 31, 2012? That issue was supposed to be put to rest two years ago at COP 15 in Copenhagen, but China (among other countries) scuppered those efforts (see here). Since then, progress towards a successor treaty to the Kyoto Protocol has been halting, and there is virtually no hope that a successor treaty will be adopted at this year's conference.
The European Union, which has taken its mitigation requirements more seriously than perhaps any other country (or collection of countries) in the developed world, has given up hope of a brand new treaty. Instead, it is calling for new commitments and a new compliance period under the old Kyoto treaty. But the US delegation, sounding more like Bush in 2001 than Obama in 2009, is already pouring cold water on that idea. The head of the US delegation, Jonathan Pershing, announced yesterday that the US will not support any successor treaty or Kyoto extension that does not include mandatory emissions reductions on high-emitting developing countries, including China and India (see, e.g., here). Everyone knows that the US Senate will not ratify the Kyoto Protocol or any other mitigation treaty if that condition is not met. Yet, the Obama Administration is probably naive to imagine that there are 60 votes in the Senate for any climate treaty he might sign. In any case, it is difficult to imagine that US negotiators could possibly cajole China and India into accepted binding mitigation targets to reduce nominal emissions for two reasons: (1) they are both developing countries with per capita income levels well below those of even the poorest developed countries; and (2) they have contributed much less than the US or EU to the existing stock of GHGs in the atmosphere. And by the way, China has at least credibly committed to reducing the carbon intensity of production in a way that requires deviation from business-as-usual emissions, which is more than can be said for the US. So, unless the US delegation stops its impotent posturing and adopts a more realistic negotiating position over the next two weeks, the failure of the Durban talks is assured from the start.
How likely is the US to do that? Not very. While the rest of the world may be focused on the expiration of the Kyoto Protocol compliance period at the end of December 2012, President Obama is focused on the first Tuesday in November 2012, when his own political future will be decided. In a country where politicians and the electorate are still debating well-settled questions of basic climate science, and China is widely perceived as a potent economic competitor, the US delegation's negotiating position has become a hostage to domestic political agendas. If China scuppered the Copenhagen negotiations for reasons that remain murky, the US can be expected to scupper the Durban negotiations for reasons easily explained by public choice theory.
Michelle Malkin: Thanksgiving White House Visitor Log Document Dump
And Rachel Maddow's visited the White House five times?
Geez, all the MSNBC neo-commie "lean forward" crap pays off.
Geez, all the MSNBC neo-commie "lean forward" crap pays off.
Thunderbird Global Business Dialogue 2011
Thunderbird School of Global Management launched an ongoing discussion about leadership in the 21st century with a signature business conference Nov. 10-11, 2011, at the Glendale Renaissance Hotel and Spa in Arizona.
The inaugural Thunderbird Global Business Dialogue drew more than 1,000 business, government and social sector leaders from more than 50 countries to explore the theme, “Redefining Global Leadership.”
Meanwhile, the next Global Business Dialogue will be held in Berlin, Germany in May 2012 and will focus on European Perspectives. For more information, please visit: http://www.thunderbird.edu/dialogue
Photo credit: Thunderbird Global Business Dialogue 2011
The inaugural Thunderbird Global Business Dialogue drew more than 1,000 business, government and social sector leaders from more than 50 countries to explore the theme, “Redefining Global Leadership.”
The Thunderbird Global Business Dialogue is Thunderbird School of Global Management’s first attempt at holding a keynote international business conference in Arizona or globally, and was the largest event the school has held to date. Over the course of two days, more than 1,000 attendees including many Thunderbird alumni and 95+ world-class speakers and panelists from all over the world participated.Learn more here.
Meanwhile, the next Global Business Dialogue will be held in Berlin, Germany in May 2012 and will focus on European Perspectives. For more information, please visit: http://www.thunderbird.edu/dialogue
Photo credit: Thunderbird Global Business Dialogue 2011
The Myth of Income Inequalty
From Jim Pethokoukis, at The American, "Income inequality myths: No, the rich didn’t steal all the money."
And at Doug Ross, "More media myths shattered: #OWS 'income inequality' scam exposed."
PREVIOUSLY: "Occupy is 99 Percent Lies," and "Record-High Levels of Inequality?"
PREVIOUSLY: "Occupy is 99 Percent Lies," and "Record-High Levels of Inequality?"
Rick Neuheisel Fired as UCLA Football Coach
I posted on this earlier. This time there's no question mark.
At LAT, "UCLA to close book on Rick Neuheisel era, after one last chapter":
At LAT, "UCLA to close book on Rick Neuheisel era, after one last chapter":
UCLA's Rick Neuheisel Era, ushered in with great fanfare four years ago, will end Friday night, adding another twist to an already unusual Pac-12 Conference football championship game.More at the link.
Neuheisel was fired Monday morning, but he will be allowed to coach in the title game. If the Bruins beat eight-ranked Oregon in Eugene, they are off to the Rose Bowl — without their coach of the last four seasons.
"We're certainly going to be playing for him," UCLA linebacker Sean Westgate said.
Offensive coordinator Mike Johnson will be the interim coach after Friday.
Regime Change Syria
From Max Boot, at Weekly Standard, "Assad Must Go":
The West could just sit back and watch this slow-motion catastrophe unfold. But doing so runs the risk of deepening fissures, in particular between Alawites (a Shiite offshoot) and the majority Sunnis, that could take decades to heal. We also run the risk that regional players will become more deeply embroiled in backing competing sides in what is fast becoming a Syrian civil war. If parts of Syria slip outside anyone’s control (as occurred in Iraq from 2003 to 2007), they could become havens for Sunni extremists such as al Qaeda.
On the other hand, if Assad goes, it will be a historic opportunity for a strategic realignment that takes Syria out of the Iranian camp and denies Hezbollah its main source of supply. It is almost certain that any Sunni regime that succeeds Assad will not be as close to Tehran as he has been. And, if we help bring about Assad’s downfall, we will have leverage with his successors that we would otherwise lack.
In some ways the current moment recalls the Balkans of the early 1990s—another situation where the West (and in particular the United States) tried to ignore a human-rights catastrophe but eventually intervened. That intervention stopped the killing and produced a delicate but durable peace accord. Might outside intervention be equally successful in Syria? It very well could be, which is why, despite the understandable reluctance in Washington to mount another Libya-style operation, it is time to start thinking seriously about what can be done to hasten Assad’s downfall. Obama has done a good job so far of isolating and sanctioning Syria, but more action is necessary.
Camp of the Saints Gets 1 Million Hits!
Congratulations to Bob Belvedere!
See: "Crossing The Threshold: One Million Hits."
And this calls for a little celebration. I recently passed 3 million hits myself and haven't had a chance to raise a toast to the occasion. Kelly Brook and friends are here to help:I'm getting about a million hits a year, and that's with the help of Robert Stacy McCain: "Blogger Gets 2 Million Hits Because of His Insightful Commentary and Lucy Pinder’s Enormous Breasts, But Mainly..."
And a huge thanks to Glenn Reynolds as well. Those Instalanches really do the trick!
See: "Crossing The Threshold: One Million Hits."
And this calls for a little celebration. I recently passed 3 million hits myself and haven't had a chance to raise a toast to the occasion. Kelly Brook and friends are here to help:I'm getting about a million hits a year, and that's with the help of Robert Stacy McCain: "Blogger Gets 2 Million Hits Because of His Insightful Commentary and Lucy Pinder’s Enormous Breasts, But Mainly..."
And a huge thanks to Glenn Reynolds as well. Those Instalanches really do the trick!
In Fog of War, Rift Widens Between U.S. and Pakistan
At New York Times":
WASHINGTON — The NATO air attack that killed at least two dozen Pakistani soldiers over the weekend reflected a fundamental truth about American-Pakistani relations when it comes to securing the unruly border with Afghanistan: the tactics of war can easily undercut the broader strategy that leaders of both countries say they share.
The murky details complicated matters even more, with Pakistani officials saying the attack on two Pakistani border posts was unprovoked and Afghan officials asserting that Afghan and American commandos called in airstrikes after coming under fire from Pakistani territory. NATO has promised an investigation.
The reaction inside Pakistan nonetheless followed a now-familiar pattern of anger and tit-for-tat retaliation. So did the American response of regret laced with frustration and suspicion. Each side’s actions reflected a deepening distrust that gets harder to repair with each clash.
The question now, as one senior American official put it on Sunday, is “what kind of resilience is left” in a relationship that has sunk to new lows time after time this year — with the arrest in January of a C.I.A. officer, Raymond Davis, the killing of Osama bin Laden in May and the deaths of so many Pakistani soldiers.
Herman Cain Accused of Having 13-year Affair
At Pundette's, "Oh dear. A new allegation against Herman Cain." And Legal Insurrection, "Obligatory Cain Affair Allegations."Also, the accuser's video at Los Angeles Times, "Herman Cain accuser Ginger White: 'I'm not proud' of alleged affair." More at Memorandum.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Tim Tebow Powers Broncos to 16-13 OT Win Over Chargers: Hardest Hit — TBogg, Racist Anti-Christian Bigot at Firedoglake
I rarely check out racist TBogg's progressive stinkhole, but the mofo's ramping up the bigoted bashing on Christians, not to mention racist attacks on black conservatives.
Turns out Tim Tebow, the Broncos' evangelical quarterback, is working miracles at the starting spot, as noted by Bill Dwyre, at Los Angeles Times, "Broncos have a prayer with Tim Tebow":
Yeah, that evangelicalism bugs the shit out of progressive dirtbag racist Tom Boggioni of Jane Hamsher's communist Firedoglake. See: "There Will Be Teblood – The Chargering":
And remember, TBogg was the first to blame Sarah Palin for Gabrielle Giffords' shooting last January: "Fuck it, I'm going there."
Progressive racists and anti-Christian bigots. All too ready to smear the tea parties as racist gun-totin' rednecks, when folks like racist TBogg are the most vile scum this side of the Ku Klux Klan.
UPDATE: Linked at Instapundit! Thanks!
Turns out Tim Tebow, the Broncos' evangelical quarterback, is working miracles at the starting spot, as noted by Bill Dwyre, at Los Angeles Times, "Broncos have a prayer with Tim Tebow":
From San Diego -- The premise that a higher being doesn't really care about football games continued to be challenged Sunday.Also, from Kate Shellnutt, at Houston Chronicle, "Tebow popularity fueled by football fanatics, evangelical faithful."
Tim Tebow won another one. He led the Denver Broncos to a tie in regulation and a win in overtime. We aren't sure whether he is magical or mystical. We don't know when, or if, he will start multiplying loaves and fishes. Right now, we just know he wins.
This time, at the end of five quarters of National Football League action — well, that's too strong a word, but more on that later — it was the San Diego Chargers who had to genuflect before him.
These days, when Tebow takes a knee, it isn't a football term.
After the 16-13 win, completed when Tebow led his team from its 43-yard line with 2 minutes 31 seconds left in overtime, to the San Diego 19, from where kicker Matt Prater could end the game from 37 yards, Tebowmania was even more alive and well. Picture a snowball rolling downhill.
There is an aura of the surreal to this. Is he real or is he Memorex?
Tebow has won five of his six starts, and the Broncos are now 6-5. Sunday's success meant that Tebow has led Denver on scoring drives in either the fourth quarter or overtime 11 times in the Broncos' last seven games. The most frightening sight for NFL opponents now is Tebow with the ball, the score in reach and the clock ticking down.
Yeah, that evangelicalism bugs the shit out of progressive dirtbag racist Tom Boggioni of Jane Hamsher's communist Firedoglake. See: "There Will Be Teblood – The Chargering":
Now that Kyle Orton has been cast from DenverEden, God will be particularly protective of Timmy because, Notre Dame or no Notre Dame, nobody wants to see Brady Quinn placing his hands near another man’s manparts. Not even Touchdown Jesus.Oh, hilarious, right? Well not as "funny" as racist TBogg's racist black sexual stereotype slam on Herman Cain as a "jungle boogie black stud" who has "Sexed Up Every Woman In America Including Your Mom." Racist TBogg spices up the post with some white go-go boot betties looking to go down on a big bad black Cadillac-drivin' Shaft-style mofo. And of course the URL there is "Herman Cain's Business Card."
And remember, TBogg was the first to blame Sarah Palin for Gabrielle Giffords' shooting last January: "Fuck it, I'm going there."
Progressive racists and anti-Christian bigots. All too ready to smear the tea parties as racist gun-totin' rednecks, when folks like racist TBogg are the most vile scum this side of the Ku Klux Klan.
UPDATE: Linked at Instapundit! Thanks!
2. [-1] Adele - Rolling In The Deep
3. [-1] Adele - Someone Like You
4. [+1] Foster The People - Pumped Up Kicks
5. [-1] Coldplay - Paradise
6. [+3] Florence + The Machine - Shake It Out
7. [-1] Adele - Set Fire To The Rain
8. [=] Florence + The Machine - What The Water Gave Me
9. [-2] Coldplay - EVery Teardrop Is A Waterfall
10. [+24] Rihanna - Where Have You Been
2) [=] Pitbull - Give Me Everything
3) [=] Pitbull feat. Marc Anthony - Rain Over Me
4) [+6] Chino & Nacho - El Poeta
5) [-1] LMFAO - Party Rock Anthem
6) [=] Britney Spears - I Wanna Go
7) [+11] Adele - Someone Like You
8) [-1] Lady Gaga - You And I
9) [-1] Coldplay - Paradise
10) [-1] Camila - De Mi
3) [=] Pitbull feat. Marc Anthony - Rain Over Me
4) [+6] Chino & Nacho - El Poeta
5) [-1] LMFAO - Party Rock Anthem
6) [=] Britney Spears - I Wanna Go
7) [+11] Adele - Someone Like You
8) [-1] Lady Gaga - You And I
9) [-1] Coldplay - Paradise
10) [-1] Camila - De Mi
Holding My new Book
I received my editor's copies of Property in Land and Other Resources (Lincoln Institute 2011) today. It looks and feels great. Lin and I are very grateful to all the contributors and the editorial assistants at the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.
A Riddle
I got this from one of my students this morning: If the opposite of pro is con, what's the opposite of progress?
Small and Medium Business (SMB) IT Spending Worldwide
IDC, considered the premier global market intelligence firm, also covers the SMB market. Here's what they predict (2010):
In the next 12-18 months, IDC expects a variety of evolutionary and revolutionary changes to take place in the small and medium-sized business (SMB) technology market that will drive opportunities on both a worldwide and regional basis. Based on this, and with in-depth knowledge of key technology areas where SMB offerings are dominant, IDC has expanded its research and consulting capabilities around understanding the SMB opportunity.Learn more here. Be sure to also check out: Exploring the Global SMB Marketplace
Cowboys Cheerleader Melissa Kellerman Twitter Controversy
There's an NFL video here, in case this YouTube gets pulled: "Cowboys cheerleader knocked over by Witten forced off Twitter."
Great News! David Frum Threatens to Bolt the GOP!
God, good riddance to that guy! He's bailing the party if Mitt or Huntsman don't get the nomination. Hunstman? What's up with that anyway? And Newt's too conservative for Frum? Newt "Dede Scozzafava" Gingrich? Talk about a puerile punditry. Don't let the door hit you on the way out, loser.
See Legal Insurrection, "Jump, David, Jump."
And check out Victor Davis Hanson for the palette cleanser:
See Legal Insurrection, "Jump, David, Jump."
And check out Victor Davis Hanson for the palette cleanser:
Sunday, November 27, 2011
2) [=] LMFAO - Sexy And I Know It
3) [=] Adele - Someone Like You
4) [+2] Flo Rida - Good Feeling
5) [=] Maroon 5 feat. Christina Aguilera - Moves Like Jagger
6) [+1] Coldplay - Paradise
7) [-3] David Guetta feat. Usher - Without You
8) [RE] Lana Del Rey - Video Games
9) [RE] David Guetta feat. Sia - Titanium
10) [=] Aura Dione - Geronimo
2) [=] Ed Sheeran - The A Team
3) [-2] LMFAO - Sexy And I Know It
4) [-1] Rihanna feat. Calvin Harris - We Found Love
5)[-1] Flo Rida - Good Feeling
6)[=] Lloyd feat. Andre 3000 & Lil Wayne - Dedication To My Ex (Miss That)
7)[NEW] Guy Sebastian - Don't Worry Be Happy
8) [+2] One Direction - What Makes You Beautiful
9)[+6] Taio Cruz feat. Flo Rida - Hangover
10)[+4] Snoop Dogg & Wiz Khalifa feat. Bruno Mars - Young Wild And Free
10)[+4] Snoop Dogg & Wiz Khalifa feat. Bruno Mars - Young Wild And Free
2) [NEW] Olly Murs - Dance With Me Tonight
3) [-1] Flo Rida - Good Feeling
4) [NEW] AVicii - Levels
5) [-1] Labrinth feat. Tinie Tempah - Earthquake
6) [NEW] Kelly Rowland feat. The Wavs - Down For Whatever
7) [-2] Ed Sheeran - Lego House
8) [-1] Maroon 5 feat. Christina Aguilera - Moves Like Jagger
9) [+3] Drake feat. Rihanna - Take Care
10) [NEW] Rebecca Ferguson - Nothing's Real But Love
Kelly Brook Holiday Weekend Rule 5
I'm off my Rule 5 game!But I'll tell you, if anyone can get me back on track it's Kelly Brook! (Click image for awesome enlargement!)
See London's Daily Mail, "Beauty and the beast! Kelly Brook caught in bed with Leigh Francis... but don't worry, it's just for the cameras." (And make sure you click that link because Brook snapped a shot of herself with just her lovely hair providing cover.)
And now, over to American Perspective, "Catch a swimsuit model in a net - Rule 5." And Maggie's Notebook, "Bill Maher Elisabeth Hasselbeck: Maher on The View – Women, Football and Egypt."
And you'll get Lucy Pinder ads at Lonely Conservative, "How Does the Left Indoctrinate Our Children?"
Plus, your weekend football hotties are at Randy's Roundtable, "Winners And Losers," and "Thursday Nite Tart: Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders." And at Proof Positive, a lovely hottie featured at "Bye Week for 9-2 Niners..."
Eye of Polyphemus can't go wrong with "Mila Kunis." And Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World's got a lovely "Friday Pinup."
Speaking of pinups, don't miss Pirates's Cove, "Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup." Plus Gator Doug with "DaleyGator DaleyBabe Vanessa Mae." And a nice rear view at Guns and Bikinis.
Last but not least is Bob Belvedere, "Rule 5 Saturday: Juliana Paes."
BONUS LINKS: Blazing Cat Fur and Zilla of the Resistance.
Drop me a link in the comments to have your Rule 5 entry added.
See London's Daily Mail, "Beauty and the beast! Kelly Brook caught in bed with Leigh Francis... but don't worry, it's just for the cameras." (And make sure you click that link because Brook snapped a shot of herself with just her lovely hair providing cover.)
And now, over to American Perspective, "Catch a swimsuit model in a net - Rule 5." And Maggie's Notebook, "Bill Maher Elisabeth Hasselbeck: Maher on The View – Women, Football and Egypt."
And you'll get Lucy Pinder ads at Lonely Conservative, "How Does the Left Indoctrinate Our Children?"
Plus, your weekend football hotties are at Randy's Roundtable, "Winners And Losers," and "Thursday Nite Tart: Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders." And at Proof Positive, a lovely hottie featured at "Bye Week for 9-2 Niners..."
Eye of Polyphemus can't go wrong with "Mila Kunis." And Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World's got a lovely "Friday Pinup."
Speaking of pinups, don't miss Pirates's Cove, "Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup." Plus Gator Doug with "DaleyGator DaleyBabe Vanessa Mae." And a nice rear view at Guns and Bikinis.
Last but not least is Bob Belvedere, "Rule 5 Saturday: Juliana Paes."
BONUS LINKS: Blazing Cat Fur and Zilla of the Resistance.
Drop me a link in the comments to have your Rule 5 entry added.
Rick Neuheisel to Be Fired After Playoffs?
I had on the Stanford/Notre Dame game and tuned into USC/UCLA for the second half. At 50-0, perhaps folks should be hammering the Trojans for running up the score. Either way, USC will get another boost in the rankings and will no doubt contend for the national championship next season.
But see Los Angeles Times, "Rick Neuheisel expected to be fired after playoff game."
But see Los Angeles Times, "Rick Neuheisel expected to be fired after playoff game."
New Hampshire Union Leader Endorses Newt Gingrich for President
See, "For President, Newt Gingrich":
We're gonna have a RINO as the GOP nominee. We know all about Newt's accomplishments. And he is the smartest candidate in the race. I'm still going to have a hard time pulling the lever if he's the nominee next November. Yeah, anybody but Obama, I guess. But Gingrich is the quintessential establishment insider. He threw the tea party under the bus. His personal skills are this side of the iceberg that sunk the Titanic. I'd prefer Mitt Romney, and again he's not anywhere near my ideal candidate. Sarah Palin backers are pushing a "reconsider" ad in Iowa next week, so die-hards can still dream, in any case.
Via Memorandum and Doug Powers (at Michelle's).
This newspaper endorses Newt Gingrich in the New Hampshire Presidential Primary.Continue reading.
America is at a crucial crossroads. It is not going to be enough to merely replace Barack Obama next year. We are in critical need of the innovative, forward-looking strategy and positive leadership that Gingrich has shown he is capable of providing.
He did so with the Contract with America. He did it in bringing in the first Republican House in 40 years and by forging balanced budgets and even a surplus despite the political challenge of dealing with a Democratic President. A lot of candidates say they're going to improve Washington. Newt Gingrich has actually done that, and in this race he offers the best shot of doing it again.
We're gonna have a RINO as the GOP nominee. We know all about Newt's accomplishments. And he is the smartest candidate in the race. I'm still going to have a hard time pulling the lever if he's the nominee next November. Yeah, anybody but Obama, I guess. But Gingrich is the quintessential establishment insider. He threw the tea party under the bus. His personal skills are this side of the iceberg that sunk the Titanic. I'd prefer Mitt Romney, and again he's not anywhere near my ideal candidate. Sarah Palin backers are pushing a "reconsider" ad in Iowa next week, so die-hards can still dream, in any case.
Via Memorandum and Doug Powers (at Michelle's).
James Joyner's Wife Has Died
I met James at CPAC 2011, but I know him best from our conversations on Twitter. He's a mellow operator with an exceptionally even temperament. I think we'd all be grateful to have such qualities in very difficult times like these. James' wife leaves behind two beautiful young daughters. Please join me in a prayer for James Joyner and his family.
See: "Kimberly Webb Joyner, 1970 to 2011."
See: "Kimberly Webb Joyner, 1970 to 2011."
Occupy is 99 Percent Lies
At IBD, "An Occupy Movement Based On 99% Lies":
As cities rousted Occupiers, liberals claimed the movement has already succeeded by calling attention to income inequality. But all it's really done is give the left an excuse to recycle bogus class-warfare claims.Continue reading.
Soon after Mayor Bloomberg cleared the Occupiers out of New York's Zuccotti Park, Washington Post blogger Ezra Klein reassured his fellow liberals. "The movement has already scored some big wins," he wrote, because it has "changed the national conversation." The evidence? The press has written lots of stories about income inequality lately.
Of course, counting news stories proves nothing. The liberal media love the Occupy crowd and what it stands for, and so it generously flooded the zone with adoring coverage, while carefully covering up the movement's violence, depravity and anti-American radicalism.
But then again, almost nothing that's been written or said about the Occupy movement and its main issue has been true.
The State of Higher Education
Anthony Grafton offers an unusually balanced and sensible view, avoiding both the standard blame-game and facile solutions, here in the New York Review of Books.
Occupy L.A. to Resist Eviction
At Los Angeles Times, "Leading activists hope most people will stay and practice nonviolent resistance; getting arrested is a clear goal for some in the camp. The opposite is the case for others."
Bunch of losers.
Arrest them. Try them. Convict them. Jail them.
Bunch of losers.
Arrest them. Try them. Convict them. Jail them.
Occupy Cincinnati Disrupts Black Friday Shopping at Macy's
This is going on all around the country. Here's Occupy Cincinnati's hompage.
Also at HotAir Pundit, "Occupy San Diego Enter Walmart on Black Friday (Video)," and Occupy Dallas splattered blood to protest animal fur products, "Downtown Neimans Now a Little Less Festive After Protestors Throw Fake Blood on Windows."
Los Vazquez Sounds
The conservative blogosphere is erupting over this video, featuring singer Angie, 10, of Los Vazquez Sounds. Via The Other McCain, "Incredible 10-Year-Old Mexican Singer Rocks the World With Music Video," and "Vasquez Sounds: El Talento Musical de Mexicali Lanzó a la Fama por el Video."Also at Pop Crush, "WATCH 10-YEAR-OLD ANGIE VAZQUEZ COVER ADELE’S ‘ROLLING IN THE DEEP’."
Former Righthaven Defendant Brian Hill Slams Copyright Troll in New Video
My attorney David Kerr represented defendant Brian Hill.
See: "Brian Hill explains how Righthaven LLC works and how they operate as a proxy to avoid liability."PREVIOUSLY: "Beating Righthaven," and "Poor Babies! Righthaven Whines About 'Scorched-Earth, Anti-Righthaven Litigation Tactics'."
See: "Brian Hill explains how Righthaven LLC works and how they operate as a proxy to avoid liability."PREVIOUSLY: "Beating Righthaven," and "Poor Babies! Righthaven Whines About 'Scorched-Earth, Anti-Righthaven Litigation Tactics'."
Saturday, November 26, 2011
2) [=] Adele - Someone Like You
3) [=] Foster The People - Pumped Up Kicks
4) [=] David Guetta feat. Usher - Without You
5) [NEW] Rihanna feat. Calvin Harris - We Found Love
6) [+1] Jason DeRulo - It Girl
7) [-1] Maroon 5 feat. Christina Aguilera - Moves Like Jagger
8) [-3] Coldplay - Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall
9) [+2] Bruno Mars - Marry You
10) [-2] Red Hot Chili Peppers - The Adventures Of Rain Dance Maggie
3) [=] Foster The People - Pumped Up Kicks
4) [=] David Guetta feat. Usher - Without You
5) [NEW] Rihanna feat. Calvin Harris - We Found Love
6) [+1] Jason DeRulo - It Girl
7) [-1] Maroon 5 feat. Christina Aguilera - Moves Like Jagger
8) [-3] Coldplay - Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall
9) [+2] Bruno Mars - Marry You
10) [-2] Red Hot Chili Peppers - The Adventures Of Rain Dance Maggie
2)[+2] Britney Spears - I Wanna Go
3)[+2] David Guetta - Titanium
4)[-3] Maldita Nerea - No Podiamos Ser Agua?
5)[-2] Maroon 5 feat. Christina Aguilera - Moves Like Jagger
6)[+2] Mohombi - Coconut Tree
7)[=] The Wanted - Glad You Came
8)[NEW] Amaia Montero - Caminando
9)[+1] Sean Paul - Got 2 Love U
10)[NEW] Enrique Iglesias - I Like How It Feels
3)[+2] David Guetta - Titanium
4)[-3] Maldita Nerea - No Podiamos Ser Agua?
5)[-2] Maroon 5 feat. Christina Aguilera - Moves Like Jagger
6)[+2] Mohombi - Coconut Tree
7)[=] The Wanted - Glad You Came
8)[NEW] Amaia Montero - Caminando
9)[+1] Sean Paul - Got 2 Love U
10)[NEW] Enrique Iglesias - I Like How It Feels
2) [=] David Guetta feat. Usher - Without You
3) [=] Crazy White Boy - What You Do To Me
4) [+2] Selena Gomez - Love You Like A Love Song
5) [+6] LMFAO - Sexy And I Know It
6) [+1] Avril Lavigne - Wish You Were Here
7) [+8] Beyoncé - Love On Top
8) [=] Kelly Clarkson - Mr. Know It All
9) [-5] Lloyd - My Air
10) [+2] Milk And Sugar - Hi-A-Ma
2) [=] David Guetta feat. Usher - Without You
3) [=] Crazy White Boy - What You Do To Me
4) [+2] Selena Gomez - Love You Like A Love Song
5) [+6] LMFAO - Sexy And I Know It
6) [+1] Avril Lavigne - Wish You Were Here
7) [+8] Beyoncé - Love On Top
8) [=] Kelly Clarkson - Mr. Know It All
9) [-5] Lloyd - My Air
10) [+2] Milk And Sugar - Hi-A-Ma
2) [=] LMFAO - Sexy And I Know It
3) [=] Adele - Someone Like You
4) [=] David Guetta feat. Usher - Without You
5) [+4] Bruno Mars - It Will Rain
6) [-1] Maroon 5 feat. Christina Aguilera - Moves Like Jagger
7) [+1] Flo Rida - Good Feeling
8) [-2] Gym Class Heroes feat. Adam Levine - Stereo Hearts
9) [NEW] Drake feat. Rihanna - Take Care
4) [=] David Guetta feat. Usher - Without You
5) [+4] Bruno Mars - It Will Rain
6) [-1] Maroon 5 feat. Christina Aguilera - Moves Like Jagger
7) [+1] Flo Rida - Good Feeling
8) [-2] Gym Class Heroes feat. Adam Levine - Stereo Hearts
9) [NEW] Drake feat. Rihanna - Take Care
10) [+5] Katy Perry - The One That Got Away
Schools Use Marijuana-Filled Occupy L.A. as Civics Lesson for Students
Great lesson in the Cannabis camp-out.
They might have better used the tea parties to educated students. Kids have little knowledge of the nation's founding, and there's a genuine historical tie between the tea party and American government. The radical left-wing anti-capitalist Jew-hating fests? Not so much. Or, well, not unless you're a communist organizer.
At Los Angeles Times, "Occupy L.A. offers a hands-on civics lesson for students, teachers":
It all fits in. It's a real-life tune-in, turn-on, and burn-out movement. Freakin' commie loser dirtbags. I wouldn't send mine on the field trip. I'd take 'em myself and show them why America's schools are failing kids.
They might have better used the tea parties to educated students. Kids have little knowledge of the nation's founding, and there's a genuine historical tie between the tea party and American government. The radical left-wing anti-capitalist Jew-hating fests? Not so much. Or, well, not unless you're a communist organizer.
At Los Angeles Times, "Occupy L.A. offers a hands-on civics lesson for students, teachers":
Who says history has to be about dead men and a dreary assortment of dates and names?Right.
For countless students and teachers, the Occupy L.A. encampment at City Hall has become a living classroom, a place to put a contemporary twist on topics such as the causes of the Great Depression and the limits of the 1st Amendment.
On a recent afternoon, students from at least three schools joined the colorful milieu of protesters — playing ball, posing with pet roosters and sounding off about corporate greed — to interview them about their aims.
Cleveland High School student Ryan Janowski, for instance, asked hard questions about whether the movement's leaderless structure would impede its progress.
Classmate Christopher Berry sniffed the aroma of marijuana and wondered whether a few "dignified leaders" might help protesters gain wider public acceptance.
The students are part of Cleveland's humanities magnet program, which is exploring class differences in America and comparing the Occupy movement with 19th century transcendentalism.
"It fits in with everything we're doing," said Rebecca Williams, an English literature teacher at the Reseda school. "It's a real-life movement — history in the making."
It all fits in. It's a real-life tune-in, turn-on, and burn-out movement. Freakin' commie loser dirtbags. I wouldn't send mine on the field trip. I'd take 'em myself and show them why America's schools are failing kids.
British Foreign Office Warns of Euro Rioting Upon Collapse of Single Currency
No doubt.
A Euro collapse is going to make the rioting of recent years look like a vacation.
At Telegraph UK, "Prepare for riots in euro collapse, Foreign Office warns":
A Euro collapse is going to make the rioting of recent years look like a vacation.
At Telegraph UK, "Prepare for riots in euro collapse, Foreign Office warns":
British embassies in the eurozone have been told to draw up plans to help British expats through the collapse of the single currency, amid new fears for Italy and Spain.
As the Italian government struggled to borrow and Spain considered seeking an international bail-out, British ministers privately warned that the break-up of the euro, once almost unthinkable, is now increasingly plausible.
Diplomats are preparing to help Britons abroad through a banking collapse and even riots arising from the debt crisis.
The Treasury confirmed earlier this month that contingency planning for a collapse is now under way.
A senior minister has now revealed the extent of the Government’s concern, saying that Britain is now planning on the basis that a euro collapse is now just a matter of time.
“It’s in our interests that they keep playing for time because that gives us more time to prepare,” the minister told the Daily Telegraph.
Black Friday Sales Surge 7 Percent Over 2010
At San Francisco Chronicle, "Black Friday sales up 7 pct; retailers look ahead." And USA Today, "Black Friday sales up 7% over 2010."
'Tolerant' Progressives Ramp Up Death Threats Against Conservatives
At Zilla of the Resistance, "New Death Threats from Islamic Supremacists and their Islamoblow Enablers Show How Much They CAIR."
And following the links there to Atlas Shrugs, "SUPPORT PAMELA GELLER, GET DEATH THREATS," and Teresamerica, "An Islamofascist Threatened Me - I Continue To Support Pamela Geller in the Face of Threats."
I wouldn't be surprised if these freaks are tied to Walter James Casper III's band of neo-fascist progressive totalitarians. RACIST REPSAC3 put the hit out on Pamela last summer, in a blog post calling to "Investigate Pamela Geller!" And now RACIST REPSAC's holiday comment threads are making sexualized references to my wife. As noted previously, this is why I don't publish my wife's information, since these fuckers would hunt her down. They would rape her given the chance. I don't doubt it for a minute. Zilla calls out Walter James Casper:
And following the links there to Atlas Shrugs, "SUPPORT PAMELA GELLER, GET DEATH THREATS," and Teresamerica, "An Islamofascist Threatened Me - I Continue To Support Pamela Geller in the Face of Threats."
I wouldn't be surprised if these freaks are tied to Walter James Casper III's band of neo-fascist progressive totalitarians. RACIST REPSAC3 put the hit out on Pamela last summer, in a blog post calling to "Investigate Pamela Geller!" And now RACIST REPSAC's holiday comment threads are making sexualized references to my wife. As noted previously, this is why I don't publish my wife's information, since these fuckers would hunt her down. They would rape her given the chance. I don't doubt it for a minute. Zilla calls out Walter James Casper:
Update: Last month I posted in support of my friend Donald Douglas who runs the American Power blog, who has, for years, been under relentless attack by hateful leftists who have even gone so far as to try to get him fired from his job - simply because they disagree with his political opinions. Donald has a new post up today describing the fact that the blog dedicated in its entirety to attacking him, could not even leave him alone on Thanksgiving Day. The comments section there includes some snide remarks about his marriage. How very sad that some people apparently have nothing better to do, on a day dedicated to reflecting on all of the things for which one should be thankful, than to pick at a man over every single thing he ever writes on his blog, and then bitch about it when that man discusses the relentless attacks. But then again, Thanksgiving is an American holiday, and gratitude is something expressed by people who actually have functioning souls, so I suppose this should not be surprising.Let's set the record straight: RACIST REPSAC3 is a stalking hate blogger. RACIST REPSAC3 is lying. No one "attacked" him. I don't even link him. He stalks my blog like a troll. And the coward blows a fuse when his hatred and harassment are called out. The fascisitic vampire is kicked to the curb by my high standard of moral right. It's like a crucifix to evil. Recall the context to Zilla's update: I mentioned why I don't publish my wife's name at the blog. I indicated that Walter James Casper III and his horde of fascistic henchmen would threaten her, given the chance. These are the same people who published my workplace information, launched campaigns of workplace intimidation, alleged that I was a child pedophile --- the allegations going all the way to the California Attorney General's Office --- harassed me personally at my blog and by email, and now they're making sexualized references about my wife. Obviously, nothing good would come of them getting a hold of my wife's phone number (which they indicated they'd like to do) or her work information. They'd kill her if they could. That's what I believe, given the unreal campaign of hate and intimidation that's been sponsored already by RACIST REPSAC WALTER JAMES CASPER III and his fascistic band of progressive totalitarians.
Occupy Toronto Library Dismantled — Hopes for Progressive Utopia Come Crashing Down
Hey, can we get a "goodbye cruel world" over there?
Via Blazing Cat Fur:Also at The Other McCain, "Hippie Weeps for #OccupyToronto: ‘We Just Want to Try and Build a New World’," and The Daley Gator, "Leftism summed up in 30 seconds or less."
Also brutalized by the inhumanity: Racist Repsac Walter James Casper III.
Via Blazing Cat Fur:Also at The Other McCain, "Hippie Weeps for #OccupyToronto: ‘We Just Want to Try and Build a New World’," and The Daley Gator, "Leftism summed up in 30 seconds or less."
Also brutalized by the inhumanity: Racist Repsac Walter James Casper III.
Saturday Ride
I got out late this afternoon for what I thought would be a short and easy recovery ride. I stayed off the hills, and just rode up Bethel to 45, south on 45 until I hit the tracks (blocked by a slow freight train), and then back north past New Unionville. Just as I was turning around to spin back home, it started raining, not especially hard, but hard (and cold) enough that, with 4-5 miles left to home, I didn't want to dally. So, now I need to recover from my recovery ride.
As the weather's supposed to be nasty tomorrow, I plan to head back north to Indy, where Coach Bob is holding a special 2-hour indoor training session. It's worth the two hours in the car just to work out with the group, rather than on my own in the basement.
As the weather's supposed to be nasty tomorrow, I plan to head back north to Indy, where Coach Bob is holding a special 2-hour indoor training session. It's worth the two hours in the car just to work out with the group, rather than on my own in the basement.
Airstrike Over Pakistan Inflames Regional Tensions
At Washington Post, "Dozens of Pakistani troops die in NATO attack," and New York Times, "NATO Strikes Kill Pakistani Forces, Raising Tensions."And at Fox News, "Pakistan Tells U.S. to 'Vacate' Air Base as Border Strike Inflames Tensions."
Norway School Segregates Students by Race and Ethnicity, Sparking Outrage Over 'Apartheid'
A little problem with that multicultural diversity thing, eh?
At London's Daily Mail, "Apartheid row at Oslo school as teachers segregate ethnic students so white children don't feel 'in a minority'." And Telegraph UK, "Apartheid row at Norwegian school after it segregates ethnic pupils":
A little problem with that multicultural diversity thing, eh?
At London's Daily Mail, "Apartheid row at Oslo school as teachers segregate ethnic students so white children don't feel 'in a minority'." And Telegraph UK, "Apartheid row at Norwegian school after it segregates ethnic pupils":
Bjerke Upper Secondary School in Oslo filled one of the three general studies sets solely with pupils with immigrant parents, after many white Norwegians from last year's intake changed schools.
The controversy over the decision has highlighted the unease in Norway over how to integrate the 420,000 "non-Nordic" citizens who immigrated between 1990 and 2009, and who make up 28 per cent of Oslo's population.
"This is the first time I've heard about this, and it is totally unacceptable," Torge Ødegaard, Oslo education commissioner, said on Friday, before pressuring the school to inform parents that the three classes would now be reorganised. The letter to parents read: "Such a division of the students is not in accordance with the requirements of the Education Act. The school regrets this error."
But Robert Wright, a Christian Democrat politician and former head of the city's schools board, struck back, arguing that the authorities had been wrong to block the move. He also said that other Oslo schools should start to segregate classes to prevent a situation of "white flight" developing.
"I think we have to try this to see how it's functioning," he told The Daily Telegraph. "Bjerke School has come up with a radical solution to a real problem, but the politicians have just said 'no'."
Islamists Claim Victory in Morocco
And what's all this about a "moderate" Islamist party?
Morocco's Party for Justice and Development is a Muslim Brotherhood front-group.
But you wouldn't know it at New York Times, "Moderate Islamist Party Winning Morocco Election":
Morocco's Party for Justice and Development is a Muslim Brotherhood front-group.
But you wouldn't know it at New York Times, "Moderate Islamist Party Winning Morocco Election":
RABAT, Morocco — A moderate Islamist party appeared Saturday to have won the first election under Morocco’s new Constitution, according to partial election returns announced by the government.Right. What a scam.
The Justice and Development Party won a plurality of the vote, requiring the king to choose a prime minister from the party and giving it the right to lead a coalition government.
The new Constitution, drafted by King Mohammed VI in response to pro-democracy protests last spring, still reserves important powers for the king, including over military and religious matters, and remains a far cry from the constitutional monarchy demanded by the protesters. But the government will be Morocco’s first popularly elected one, with the power to appoint ministers and dissolve Parliament.
The vote on Friday also made Morocco the second North African country after the Arab Spring to choose a moderate Islamist government. Tunisians gave a plurality to a similarly inclined party last month.
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