Sunday, December 26, 2010

U.S.A. Perfect Imperfections

3 good things & 3 bad things


1. That we are united from all countries, we're a melting pot, that we are a nation of immigrants who welcome immigrants.
2. That we have many world class universities and free public education from kindergarten through high school.
3. I like that we have freedom of speech and freedom of press.
And like my critical thinking teacher from Guyana said, "Imagine the world without the United States". He said "Regardless if the Democrats or the Republicans win - the country is doing something right."


1. I don't agree with having immigration quotas in a country made up of immigrants. What's happened is that the English invaded the land of indigenous Native Americans (at least 500 Nations were disrespected, disregarded, displaced & disenfranchised). Then for 100 years there was no immigration policy and the English encouraged immigration to populate the land that they stole. After the English had spread to the west coast they said, "Okay we're good. Let's start excluding people from immigrating now and let's base it on race.
2. The second thing I don't like about the U.S. is that our taxes do not pay for preschool or college tuition.
3. The third thing I don't like is that our taxes do not provide health care for everyone. Our taxes provide free police and fire departments which are essential and even free libraries. The library is of no benefit if you're dead.

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